The True Purpose of Your Business

The purpose of your business is not to make money.

At SalesPartners, we like to share an analogy with our clients about bees. Yes, that’s right. This was a lesson Blair Singer and Buckminster Fuller taught to our president Will Dukes.

The “Ripple” Effect

Fuller notes that we’ve observed bees leaving their hive each morning in search of flowers. Why do bees do this? The common thought is that the bees are heading off to pollinate the flowers – but this isn’t really the reason. Bees have no idea they’re pollinating flowers. They’re simply trying to gather nectar and pollen to bring back to the hive for their queen.

It’s true, however, that their pollination provides value – not only to us humans but for the ecosystem as a whole. The bees’ daily pursuit of survival creates a ripple effect.

We are similar to bees – only, we don’t make honey, but money. According to Fuller, we are “money bees.” We exchange our time, labor, and resources for money. In an ideal world, our natural pursuit of a paycheck through our jobs or businesses would organically create value in the marketplace.

However, when money is our sole focus, we don’t always add value. Instead, we create a mess in the marketplace. Maybe you’ve done business with someone and thought, “I’ll never do business with them again.”

Even large corporations fall into this trap. Recently, Wells Fargo got into trouble for creating fraudulent accounts in the pursuit of profits. Is that really what our businesses are all about? Making a profit?

Adding Value Consistently & Sustainably

Now, don’t get us wrong – your business has to make money. Even nonprofit and charity organizations need to make a profit. Money keeps our businesses sustainable. The purpose of a business, however, is not only to make money but to add value.

Using his analogy about bees, Fuller pointed out that when we focus on creating value, the “ripple effects” will bring the money right along. You can still make money if you’re focused on the value that you’re adding to the marketplace.

Think about what your business looks like now. What value are your clients and customers paying for? What are you doing to create value for those clients and customers? In the long run, your focus on providing value is what will keep your business sustainable.

This concept is one of our core values at SalesPartners, and it’s something we teach our clients. Add value and do it consistently and sustainably. You’ve got to make enough money to continue doing what you’re doing, but when you add value, that’s a nonissue. Together, let’s add value to make the world a better place.

Reach out to let us know how we can help you provide value to your clients and customers. At SalesPartners, we want to see you reach your business goals.

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The purpose of your business is not to make money. At SalesPartners, we like to share an analogy with our clients about bees. Yes, that’s right. This was a lesson Blair Singer and Buckminster Fuller taught to our president Will


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